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"It has been a real pleasure to work with you over the last twelve months or so, I can't thank you enough for all your help and guidance on this project. Your musical talent combined with your experience has had a strong positive effect, not only on the project but also on me. I have tried to take in as much as I could along the way and do believe I have grown through this process as well."
Linton Jones, singer/songwriter, Embracing Time.

Sound Engineering and Production

Abbey Street MusicPeter is available as an audio engineer and/or producer and can help to complete your arrangements by performing drums, bass, guitar, mandolin, keyboards and vocal harmonies, as well as providing advice on arranging and song construction.

• Casual project studio rate - $80 p.h. (discount available for block sessions)

For a list of studio equipment and instruments available, email

Music Tuition

Peter gives music lessons in voice, guitar, bass and drums for individuals in half or full hour sessions, from school aged children to adults. The lessons place emphasis on technique, music theory and enjoyment. Limited places are available.

• Half hour lesson - $40 • Full hour lesson - $80

Lessons are run to align with school terms and booked in advance -
For more details call 0417 376 733 or email


Available as vocalist, guitarist, bass guitarist and drummer, for live performance and recording, arrangements and consultation. Styles include pop, rock, folk and classical. POA. Email or call 0417 376 733 for details.

Graphic Design

Peter is a qualified graphic designer amd has worked within the music industry for many years, as in-house designer at Revolver and Drum Media magazines and at Entertainment Graphics (now Millmaine Entertainment), as well as freelancing for companies such as Grace Gibson Productions. For more information contact Peter at

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